as much as the story of 'wedn. night' appeals to me and is by no means finished, i feel it is my duty to introduce another character into the equation. this .. person you might call it, is known to most as 'the thing'. she doesn't fit in a food group category.we debated giving her the name of burnt mars bar/brussel sprouts or broccoli ice cream... they all seemed too good for her!
today it came as no surprise to find her hovering around the usual people trying to impose herself on them as it were. Little did we know that she was slowly but surely moulding herself in the image of milk every day until it became glaringly obvious. the boots it wore.. the whole look.. it even started smoking soon after milk did! i just hope that they never procreate together. thing tends to druel and is disturbing to look at, i wouldn't eat my lunch in its company lets say because it wouldn't stay down for long..
and can i just ask.. how does one or in this case a whole group of people get rid of something they don't want to be around, save for killing it? although i must admit i have got a few pledges of knives already. thank you!
how do we dispose of trash without leaving a mess?emotionally and physically.
although i doubt sometimes if the thing actually has feelings.. alien..