“Will the man in the house please stand up?”
Damn I think I missed him, either that or he just doesn’t hear me... surely he wouldn’t pretend not to hear me...?
Of course there is some speculation over whether God is actually a woman. I personally think it would make more sense. Why would a male god create such bountiful beauty in the world if he was then going to create ‘man’ its ultimate destroyer? I say ‘man’ as a literal interpretation of the male species, as the female populace at the beginning of time, up until present day, had very little say in the development of nuclear power plants and all the many harmful chemicals and machines brought into being, which is in effect killing our planet. Why couldn’t they have come up with the humane way of creating power? Hmmm... like that very large shining star that provides the world with natural solar energy. It’s only now that we are beginning to change things but we all know that women were handed the reins a little too late.
Einstein spent years developing the atomic theory which led to the development of the atomic bomb and many other MEN spent years developing ways of creating new forms of energy. Why couldn’t they have looked at more natural methods? In the end they are simple primates and must play with fire. Who wants to know about the safe way of doing anything?
And really if you think about it, it makes sense to say it was a woman who created the earth. Why do you think she sent Jesus, a man, to prevent further strife and provide some sort of belief system in the world to prevent us all killing each other and committing adultery? It’s because she knew they wouldn’t listen to a woman or she would have come down to the earth herself, but then they probably would have just goggled at the pure perfection of the female figure!
So on to the exploration of the stupidity of men in the 21st century. Women are even catching up to them when it comes to idiotic choices.
Relationships are an important element in our everyday lives. It’s what keeps us sane. We gossip, we discuss and debate, we go shopping... it is a natural craving in most individuals to seek the company of other similar minded or compatible companions to spend time with.
So why then do some relationships seem to take so much work? When you can describe every week you spend with your ... other half as something that sounds anyway routine then it has been moved directly into the ‘assignment’ bin, along with that project you must put time and effort into.
A relationship is not supposed to be a job. It is supposed to hold an element of surprise to it. You should go out of your way to spend that extra minute with that person. You are supposed to look forward to seeing them.
This in most cases applies to boyfriend-girlfriend relationships but friendships of high calibre should hold the same level of importance. What makes friendships of less value? Would you give up your best friend for someone you describe as a job? I am not just looking at the male sex but the female as well. We can be just as bad. But the difference is, we tell out friends if their running amuck. Sometimes an intervention is necessary. But what happens if your friend is male and you are female. How do you go about telling them that they are losing all there closest friends for a relationship which is destined not to work?
They keep picking their other half over their friends because she demands that he not spend time with them.
Females are out of habit a jealous species. We do not enjoy seeing our men spending uncommon amounts of time with the other gender. But like all things there is a ground that you can work up from. The other female is less daunting when you spend time with her. Friends are not intimidated by other friends. So become their friend. It’s a two way system though, your friends other half has to be willing to make the effort.
It is only when they lose all their friends and then their girlfriend/boyfriend that they will discover that they are alone in the world and will not be welcomed back into the circle they once walked.
Please stand up. Lying down is giving up.