Tuesday, March 11, 2008

dark wednesday

Wednesday nights are a peculiar thing. For many it is the night of the week that all types of people go out... and then the next day they place blame on the cheap 3 euro vodkas that the club was promoting the night before. but really no one made them drink that extra vodka.they could have easily put it aside for that college book that they can never seem to afford.Instead they wake up beside some randomer again and wonder why they never seem to have any relationships of consequence.

I just want to shed some light on some of the events that follow on from such a night..
WARNING: its not pretty.

It was a Wednesday night like all others. perhaps without the rain on this occasion. i was in bed cozied up with a delightful new novel while ... acquaintances of mine... were running around their apartments and houses no doubt applying the last part of their faces, and the men moved onto their 5Th beer of the night. I had grown fed up of this particular wedn. night ritual some time ago.

my lights went off at the decent hour of 12 midnight, only to be woken unceremoniously at 3a.m in the morning to the buzzing of my phone. rolling over i grabbed the phone pressing enter. a message. i mean why do people txt each other at that hour?? but i cant complain too much this time. one my friends had deemed this .. news... was equal to emergency status.

i looked for some time at the image that assailed my eyes.. surely not. it was a picture message of a man bent low kissing a much smaller woman. i was puzzled and disturbed. after Some quick thumb work i found out that it was our mutual friends.. Milk and Cookies in the picture. Whipped cream then apologised profusely for the "traumatising image".

i then quickly returned to my alternate universe, where these type of things don't happen and all is well and fluffy..! Thursday could wait a little longer..